We woke up Christmas morning in beautiful Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
Feliz Navidad!
After breakfast we took a "tender" from the cruise ship to the port and had a few minutes to treasure hunt. Merrick's first treasure was holding a real iguana. Tyson also found Merrick a wresting mask like those on "Nacho Libre".
Mackenzie found a stylin' headband and Berkleigh found a bracelet.
Cultivating experiences for our kids is important to us. It's part of our family mission statement. I really believe experiencing different cities and countries helps our children have a better understanding of the world around them.
What better way to experience something new that with our extended family?
We had 21 people with us. We had three babies, three six-year-olds with a total of eight children under 11. Whew. The crazy thing is that this group is only going to grow in numbers as we add spouses and more kids to the mix. I am grateful we took advantage of this opportunity to cruise together while we could.
When it was our designated time we took a water taxi to the parasailing boats.
We might be smiling in these pictures, but this began was one of the craziest parts of the trip.
There was so much commotion and even our best efforts translating (with four former spanish speaking missionary) left us unprepared for the experience. I think I had too much adrenaline pumping at the time to really take it in, but in hindsight, I can't believe we made it. After that frightening experience, parasailing seemed easy.
Jacob and I were the first parasailers from our group. I knew if I didn't get him up first, then he would never go. I comforted him by telling him I was bringing his "Finn" car with us. Surprisingly, it was very peaceful and quiet once we got in the air. Jacob had a good time.
Grandpa and Merrick flew together.
Grandma and Nataleigh were partners.
Brittany and Brooke were paired together, but I'm sure Brittany would have rather been with her fiancé. Soon enough, Britt-o.
Tyson and Berkleigh flew together while Brooke and Brittany played in in the sky.
Ethan and Tyson Smith (right) were flying partners.
Because our group was so big we flew out of two different boats. At one time our lines almost crossed. I'm sure they drivers had it all under control, but it did make the flyers a little nervous.
Brianna and Jen were the lucky ones who had the feet dipped in the ocean waters!
I'm not sure what the little folk thought of the whole thing.
They all did well in the air and they all waited very patiently as each pair took their turn.
I think this picture (above) is such a great perspective on how it felt to be free as a bird.
We launched from the back of the boat and then were slowly hauled in by a massive wheel on the boat.
Mackenzie and David were loads of fun to watch.
Mackenzie was constantly moving and finding new poses.
I couldn't resist a pictures of these two love birds kissing fifty feet in the air.
Cameron and Jana are the cutest.
Overall, Cabo was a blast. I could hardly believe the warm weather and blue skies.
The beaches were full! I kept thinking, "could this many people be celebrating Christmas like this?"
It definitely wasn't a typical white Christmas, but this year we wouldn't have had it any other way.
Here is a good view of our boat and we headed to our floating home.
When we got back on the boat we decided that since we were already in our bathing suits, we would try out the big slide.
Lots of fun.
Jen and Tyson enjoying the view at the end of the day.
I'm not sure how we properly thank Dad and Mom for such a great adventure?
Mackenzie's exuberant hug is a start.
Once again, Brooke's expression of disbelief says it all.
Merry Christmas from beautiful Cabo!
That night we all wore our relaxed outfits to dinner.
Perhaps it was at this point that I remember feeling simply happy. There was no dishes to wash or laundry to fold. There was no running errands to run or activities to take kids to. Not a care in the world. I was surrounded by people I love dearly, and I was simply happy.
The setting sun signaled the end of a fabulous day.
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