Oliver is our miracle baby. He was conceived during pre-menopause. He survived the pregnancy (unlike my miscarriage two years ago). And the day we really needed him to come to this earth...he came.
My water broke at 5:20 am on Thursday. That's never happened before. (I've been induced with all three children.) When I woke up David to tell him, he said it was an answer to prayers!
David had been prepared to take the kids down to Santa Clara by himself so they could be there for their first day of school. The plan was that I would stay in Fruit Heights and wait for an induction the following week. As it turned out our sweet baby boy came into this world 13 hours later at 6:30pm. I was discharged into our motor two days later, and we were able to drive as a family to our new home. So glad to be together!
Oliver Scott Rasmussen
7 lbs. 2 oz.
19 inches
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